Facility to enter Ladder Data, Station Data, Sub-Division (Cut) Point Data, Traverse Data, Traverse Control Points, Boundary and Adjacency information in Table format |
Importing of Point coordinate data from Total Station Instruments (Leica & Top Con) in the Station Table |
Provision for various editing options and search string in table data |
Drawing of Plot Maps from the above data by a single mouse click |
Extensive checks for input data validation. Precise error reports are displayed in appropriate levels |
Option for clock-wise and counter clock-wise traversal of points in the canvas |
Facility to enter cumulative and incremental base distances in the Ladder Data |
Automated computation of line lengths and placing of text at Optimum positions |
Viewing and Printing of the map of the entire Survey Number or that of a set of selected Sub-divisions |
Facility to display the Sub-divisions within outer boundary with hatching. Hatching parameters includes Hatch Type, Angle, Spacing and Color |
Provision to input data in units like Meter, Millimeter, Chain-Anna, Chain-Link, Sakhali-Aane, Metric Chain and Link Units |
Facility to display area in Hectare Ares, Hectare Centiares, Acre Gunthas and Acre Cents units |
Facility for Digitization of Tippans by Merging of Base Lines |