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bullet Facility for auto saving of maps
bullet Option for General installation (which is not specific to any State/UT)
bullet Licensed version of CollabLand also exists for commercial distribution
bullet Option to Import Total Station, Traverse, Shape and Vision File
bullet Provision to export Maps in Image and PDF format, besides Shape files
bullet Facility for dynamic zooming and panning, and Print Preview
bullet Display in customizable standard scales, and user defined scale
bullet Option to Pin the map to prevent further zooming and panning
bullet Extensive search facility for Texts in the Map and Data Entry Tables
bullet Lite version for public implementation (Viewing / Printing)
bullet Facility for unlimited Undo and Redo, and to set Undo limit
bullet Measuring Tool to find distance between Points and Area of a Polygon
bullet Built-in User Manual consisting of Tutorials and suggested procedures


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e-gov App Store
National Informatics Centre
Department of Information Technology
Ministry of Communications & Information Technology
Government of India